When the student is ready the teacher will come. If you want to work with me, let me know and we can design a workshop with a timing that works for you.
Upcoming workshops:
Saltspring Island, BC (March)
Winter Bodymind Acupressure(tm) Immersion on Saltspring Island
5 days of acupressure instruction and integration
4 nights stay
nourishing vegetarian lunches
Receive 5 Jin Shin Do sessions!
Daily Qi Gong practice
Small group and hands on learning
Jin Shin Do Bodymind Basic certification. Leave with powerful skills to share with clients, friends and family.
$850 early bird until Jan 31st
$950 after Jan 31st
accommodation available
Rebecca at Solstroll@gmail.com
Cortes Island, BC (Spring)
BASIC Jin Shin Do®: 40 Hours minimum
Objectives: participants learn to:
- Locate 55 acu-points in relation to surrounding anatomy.
- Describe how Jin Shin Do® acupressure can be utilized for general relaxation and to release specific tensions.
- Demonstrate acu-point combinations for common problems, including tension in the head, neck, shoulders, back, chest, abdomen, pelvis and extremities.
- Process, in a simple way, the feelings and images which may arise from the body during acupressure release.
- Perform simple movements which facilitate relaxation and structural-energic balancing.
- Identify the 8 Strange Flows or extraordinary vessels, and demonstrate their use for energy balancing and general relaxation.
- Unit I. Principles of acupressure. Traditional Eastern and modern Western mindsets. Qi (energy). Acu-points defined and described scientifically. Pressure technique. 3 signs of release. Location of 16 acu-points, with anatomical detail and individual attention. Practice: general relaxation pattern and the basic JSD neck release.
- Unit 2. Basic acupressure theory, including yin-yang polarities. The armoring process. Local and distal point theory. Location of 16 acu-points, with anatomical detail. “Pal Dan Gum” movements. Practice: simple color-coded release method and basic neck release.
- Unit 3. Pressure technique. Segmental Release Method. 3 essential qualities of therapists. 7 additional points. Practice: release of the head, neck and shoulder segments.
- Unit 4. Segmental exploration (bilateral acu-points in the head, neck, shoulders and chest). Bodymind associations of the chest segment. Body Focusing techniques to facilitate tension release. Contact. Effects of language. Practice: JSD, Body Focusing and breathing techniques to assist chest release; basic neck release.
- Unit 5. 6 additional points. Diaphragm, abdominal and pelvic tension patterns and associations. Hara Breathing Meditation. Hygiene; ethics. Practice: body focusing and breathing techniques to assist release of the abdominal and pelvic segments.
- Unit 6. The 8 Strange Flows, or extraordinary vessels. 10 additional points (on the central channel). Demonstration of sessions utilizing “strange flow” release patterns. Practice: assessment and Strange Flow release patterns for general bodymind relaxation.
Required Class Materials: Color-coded JSD “8 Strange Flows” wall chart © 1981;
Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® Handbook, part 1, © 2009;
The Acupressure Way of Health: Jin Shin Do®, © 1978 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF / Redwing; originally published by Japan Publications).
Recommended; Chpt. 1-3, A Complete Guide to Acupressure, Revised © 2003 (1st version © 1996) by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF; originally published by Japan Publications).
Evaluation Method: Take-home test, attendance and demonstration of skills mastered. Teachers give a JSDF transcript, signing off each class upon completion.